Potassium Humate is extracted from natural leonardite. It is black powder or crystal granular, soluble in water, which perfectly combines humic acids and nutrients. It is organic chelator and microbial stimulator. It is a solid soil conditioner formulated to increase the ability of soil to retain nutrients & improve water holding capacity.
For Plant:
Plant growth stimulant, promote root development and stimulates seed germination.
Enhance nutrient uptake by combining nutrients and humic acids and keep a well-balanced nutrition.
It helps to increase the plant’s tolerance to fungi, bacterial and fungal infections.
Promotes healthier, stronger plants and enhance appearance
Potassium is an important component of chlorophyll, speed up the photosynthesis.
Potassium Humate can protect plants from UV radiation and pollution as well.
For Soil:
Soil conditioner. Improve soil structure. Increase ion exchange capacity of soil.
Enhance resistance to stress for soil, especially reduce high salts in alkaline soils.
Enhance nutrients uptake and increases the content of humus in soil.
Prevents soil from contamination of heavy metallic ions as well as other harmful matters.